Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Word Beyond the Messenger

As Pastor Daymond shares, the messenger is imperfect, but we are able to hear beyond that if we listen closely for those words of life. This is a powerful word about hearing and receiving so listen and be encouraged!

To listen to any podcast, simply click on the title.

To download to your computer so you can transfer it to an mp3 player, portable device, or CD:

Right-click the title for the message you want to download. Select "save target as" then follow the instructions.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Life of Urgency

How do you live life on purpose with a sense of urgency? This message talks all about these important concepts as we surrender to Him and not be ruled by our stress or the pressures of life.

To listen to any podcast, simply click on the title.

To download to your computer so you can transfer it to an mp3 player, portable device, or CD:
Right-click the title for the message you want to download. Select "save target as" then follow the instructions.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sooner or Later?

Do we have any control over time? When will the things God has spoken really come? All good questions that I hope we can partially answer.

To listen to any podcast, simply click on the title.

To download to your computer so you can transfer it to an mp3 player, portable device, or CD:
Right-click the title for the message you want to download. Select "save target as" then follow the instructions.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Gospel of the Kingdom

Is salvation the beginning and end of the gospel (good news)? Or is there more to it? Take a listen and be encouraged.

To listen to any podcast, simply click on the title.

To download to your computer so you can transfer it to an mp3 player, portable device, or CD:

Right-click the title for the message you want to download. Select "save target as" then follow the instructions.
