Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hang on to the Word

The Word of God is more than positive ideas or being optimistic. There is power in the truth that is unlocked through faith and poured out grace. Don't let go! Hang on to His Word.

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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Be Awake and Don't Forget

Temptations pull at us often and we are drawn into believing we can do things for ourselves instead of relying on grace. We have to be awake, watchful, and praying while never forgetting who God is and what He's done for us.

To listen to any podcast, simply click on the play button above.

To download to your computer so you can transfer it to an mp3 player, portable device, or CD:

Right-click the title for the message you want to download. Select "save target as" then follow the instructions.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sinai to Zion (Carry in Prayer)

We were privileged to have special guests with us on Sunday, Pastors Mike and Roxann Ginn from Sitka, AK. This is a powerful message delivered by Roxann about carrying people in prayer until we see breakthrough in their lives. Listen and be encouraged, challenged, and strengthened!

To listen to any podcast, simply click on the play button above.

To download to your computer so you can transfer it to an mp3 player, portable device, or CD:

Right-click the title for the message you want to download. Select "save target as" then follow the instructions.