Sunday, February 28, 2010

Will You Stand?

The pressures of life, the struggles we face, the demands of other people--they all want us to submit. In the midst of that, heaven is asking us, "will you stand?" What will your answer be?

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Power of Words

We sometimes forget how crucial or dangerous our wielding of words can be. In this message, we explore God's standard for our words and the only way we can achieve it (through His grace). 

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Right-click the title for the message you want to download. Select "save target as" then follow the instructions.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Taking It Back

What do we do when our trusting God and stepping out in faith brings us to difficulty? Many times our reaction is to pack it all up and take it back from the hands of the Father. This message explores why we need to trust a little longer and realize God has the best for us in mind.

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Right-click the title for the message you want to download. Select "save target as" then follow the instructions.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Real Jesus

Do we have a manufactured, secondhand, second-rate version of Jesus? Or have we experienced and encountered the real Jesus in the here and now? These are the questions we are asking with this week's message.

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Right-click the title for the message you want to download. Select "save target as" then follow the instructions.